The Heavy Construction Contractors Association (HCCA) is a nonprofit organization comprised of infrastructure contractors and related firms that work collectively to make a positive impact on the construction industry, the economy, and the quality of life for the benefit of Northern Virginia and surrounding areas.
The HCCA represents firms involved in road building, site development, utility work, civil engineering, trucking operations, construction products and goods distribution, professional services, municipal public works, and other heavy construction interests in the Metropolitan Washington D.C. Area. The HCCA was founded in 1957 by a group of heavy construction company owners who were interested in uniting together in an effort to fight restrictive work and permit requirements by competing trade groups on underground utility work. At the time of its founding, plumbing technical and specifying groups were using restrictive permitting procedures to block heavy construction contractors from connecting to home dwellings and commercial buildings. These restrictive codes blocked utility construction firms from competing for site-work projects. The founding fathers of the HCCA banded together and worked hard to overcome these restrictive road-blocks. The HCCA founding fathers started a tradition of fighting restrictive laws, rules, and regulations on the heavy construction industry. This tradition of fighting to protect the viability of the heavy construction industry continues today.
The HCCA works to protect our industry’s interests in the Virginia General Assembly. We employ a lobbyist in Virginia to keep track of important industry legislation during the General Assembly Session. To stay politically engaged, the Development & Infrastructure Group (formerly HCCA PAC) that supports industry-friendly candidates in the House of Delegates and the
The HCCA works with the community to provide free in-kind work to non-profit and charitable organizations. We provide college scholarships to deserving high school seniors who are seeking a college education. We raise money through fundraising projects that aid local charitable organizations in their mission to bring comfort to those in need of help.
The Association is governed by the elected Officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer) elected by the voting membership for a term of two-years, and rotating through each official position before they are out of office. Hence, the Officers of the Association make an eight year commitment of service. The Officers are joined by a contracted legal counsel. Assisting the Officers is a 10 member elected Board of Directors, which includes the Executive Director, an employee of the HCCA..
The Staff consists of the Executive Director, Operations Manager, Safety Trainer, Office Administrator, and Lobbyist. The Association is fortunate to have many among its members who volunteer their time and assistance to make the HCCA events enjoyable and meaningful.
CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE HCCA BYLAWS IN PDF FORMATIn short, Our members continue to build Northern Virginia into one of the most affluent, and influential areas in the United States. We take great pride in our role as developers and